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France Emergency Numbers

Writer: Jameson FarnJameson Farn

During your trip to France, take down these emergency numbers and information just as a safety precaution.

SAMU (medical help) 15

Police and Gendarmerie 17

Sapeurs Pompiers (fire and accidents) 18

SOS - all services (recommended when calling from a mobile) 112

SOS – all services (hearing aid or if you cannot talk ) 114

Coastguard 196

Samu Social (emergency shelter) 115

Child in danger 119

Missing Chid 116 000

Out-of-hours doctors 116 117

English speaking SOS helpline 01 46 21 46 46

Here is what you need to say:

- Your name, telephone number and the location where help is required

- Explain the situation: how many people need help and what is happening

- Stay on the line, do not hang up until you are told you can put the phone down

Emergency words and phrases:

Très malade – Very sick

J’ai besoin d’une ambulance – I need an ambulance

Un accident – an accident

J’ai eu un accident – I have had an accident

Blessé(e) – Injured

Perdre connaissance – Unconscious

Hémorragie – Bleeding

Je saigne – I am bleeding

Crise cardiaque – Heart attack

Un AVC (Un accident vasculaire cérébral) – a stroke

Noyade – Drowning

Il se noie – He’s drowning

Brûlure – Burn

Avoir des contractions – In labour/having contractions

Je suis en train d’accoucher – I am in labour

J’ai besoin d’une ambulance – I need an ambulance

Feu – Fire

La maison a pris feu – The house is on fire

La voiture a pris feu – The car is on fire

Cambrioleur – a thief

Je suis en train de me faire cambrioler – I am being burgled

Un intrus est entré chez moi – An intruder is in the house

Une urgence – an emergency

Aidez moi – Help me

Au secours – Help!

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